Sunday, September 23, 2012

Who are BCs?

Now a days entire political community is busy wooing BC community. It all started with TDP supremo Chandra Babu Naidu announcing in full public domain that he will give 100 assembly tickets to BC candidates. Entire BC community, their leaders hailed Babu’s decision and started felicitating him. Cong APCC chief Botsa went ahead and announced that his party will give 200 seats to BCs. This turned all BCs to Cong once again. However YSRCP’s Vijayamma announced that instead of giving them seats 100 or more seats should be reserved for BCs passing a resolution. Cong once again struck saying BCs should be given seats according to their census.
This recently led to discussion between MLAs Tummala Nageswara Rao, Gopala Krishna Reddy and law advisors at TDLP office in assembly lobbies.They felt that with BCs given importance, others like Brahmins, vysyas, Kammas, Velamas and Kapus started demanding their share of tickets. When a legal expert said TDP doesn’t give much importance to Brahmins at all, TDP MLAs countered them saying they are giving importance to BCs. Legal experts countered them saying who are more BCs than them saying BCs stand for Brahmin Community.  They went on to demand how much share their party is going to give. TDP countered them saying during their regime, when Cong started discussion on bramins given opportunity, Minister Tammineni Sitram announced proudly that Babu himself is real BC. They efen countered how can they give tickets to them as they will anyway join Cong later.

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