Thursday, September 27, 2012

Brand Hyderabad seeking Divine Intervention

For quite long Andhra Pradesh capital Hyderabad enjoyed international brand image thanks to IT boom. With Software park and HiTech city, international software giants opened their Indian development centers here and this followed more investments in other sectors. Though some scams like Vasishtavahan dented the image, the city fast became pharma and bio hub. This generated lot of investments and many more companies started showing interest in the city. Thus Hyderabad from pear city became the most renowned destination for international corporate.
However all this changed eversince the agitation for Telangana started and with indiscriminate attacks by mob affecting the performances of the corporate. Many companies shifted its base and even when some started functioning taking those protests as one off incidents, the power holiday announced by Govt and intermittent power cuts are making business establishments look for alternatives. Review of govt orders and scams involved are hampering the functioning of corporate who always look for political and economic stability.
Now with pro telangana march on 30th just a day before international summit on Bio Diversity is sure to dent the image of Brand Hyderabad and it will be difficult to repair the damage happening with the developments. Hyd people are seeking divine intervention to keep its brand image intact.

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