After getting resounding victory for her party, YSR Congress honorary president Y S Vijayamma is now keen on getting her son Jaganmohan Reddy out. She is planning to go to Delhi and meet the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh to complain that the case against Jagan was foisted by the political bosses who control the CBI. She is keen on meeting the PM because CBI works under his control.
During her visit to the national capital, she is also likely to meet opposition leaders and present the case of her family.
Now that the YSRCP has 17 MLAs and 2 MPs, the party which had only 1 MP and 1 MLA till few days ago has now become an important player in the national politics because of the ensuing Presidential elections. Some of the major political parties are already trying to woo the party for its support to their Presidential candidates. P A Sangma a presidential candidate has even sent his son, a MLA of Meghalaya to Hyderabad to meet the YSR family and assure them of his solidarity. He has personally called YSRCP’s top leader Y V Subba Reddy and sought the party’s support to his candidature.
The YSR Congress is now in a position to have its voice heard loud and clear in New Delhi. A visit by Vijayamma is sure to attract the attention of the national political leaders as well as the media. She can sufficiently defame the Congress party and the UPA government. She can also unnerve the CBI bosses and get her son’s release, though on bail.
Though neither the Prime Minister nor the UPA bosses could stop prosecution of Jagan at this stage, those in power could prevail upon CBI not to oppose his bail.
As soon as Jagan comes out, the YSR Congress wants to launch a fresh tirade against the government on Jagan’s arrest. Now they have 16 MLAs excluding Jagan to assail the ruling party.
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