Dear Visitors,
Thanks for visiting our site.
We really appreciate your valuable suggestions and complaints. We are going through all your messages and trying our best to fix any issues you may have. If you are expecting any reply email, please remember to specify your email ID, so that we can have a better understanding on assisting you through email conversation.
Also please provide detailed information on any issue that you are facing while browsing our site. Please specify links that are broken and with screen shots if possible.
We are receiving complaints that some videos are not playing. Please be advised that some of the video hosting players (i.e Dailymotion) may need to download some plug ins to play the video.
We encourage our users to use Firefox or Chrome or IE 8+ to have a better viewing experience of our site.
Since we are receiving some fake emails, we want to make sure that we are fixing all issues with our genuine visitors.
Thanks for all your patience and understanding.